$3.33 USD

Experience the vibrant and versatile qualities of our 1 oz Organic Dried Hibiscus Flowers. Sourced from premium organic farms, this dried hibiscus is perfect for creating refreshing herbal teas, adding a splash of natural color to culinary dishes, or enhancing your spiritual rituals.

Health Benefits: 

  • Rich in Antioxidants: Hibiscus is packed with antioxidants, helping to combat oxidative stress and promote overall health.
  • Supports Heart Health: Known to aid in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and improving cardiovascular health.
  • Boosts Immune System: High in vitamin C, hibiscus helps strengthen the immune system and fend off colds and infections.
  • Aids in Digestion: Its natural properties can help sooth digestive issues and support a healthy gut.

Spiritual Properties:

  • Promotes Love and Harmony: Hibiscus is often used in love spells and rituals to attract love and deepen emotional connections.
  • Enhances Psychic Abilities: Know to stimulate the third eye chakra, hibiscus can aid in enhancing intuition and spiritual insight.
  • Protective Qualities: Used in rituals for protection, hibiscus helps ward off negative energies and create a shield of positivity.


  • Tea: Brew a teaspoon of dried hibiscus in hot water for a tart cranberry-like tea that can be enjoyed hot or iced.
  • Culinary: Add to salads, desserts, or sauces for a burst of natural color and flavor.
  • Rituals: Incorporate into love, protection, or healing rituals to harness its spiritual benefits.

Embrace the multifaceted benefits of Organic Dried Hibiscus and elevate your wellness and spiritual practices today!


Gender: Feminine
Planetary: Venus
Element: Water


We do NOT make any claims that this item will guarantee any magical or medicinal benefits.

(Encyclopedia of Herbs by Scott Cunningham)

1 oz Organic Dried Hibiscus Flowers | Natural Herbal Tea | Spiritual & Health Benefies
$3.33 USD

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