This listing is for 1 Oz of organic dried Dandelion root. Each bag is heat sealed and filled by weight NOT volume.

Other names: Blowball, Cankerwort, Lion's Tooth, Piss-a-bed, Priest's Crown, Puffball, Swine Snout, White Endive, Wild Endive

Gender: Masculine
Planetary: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deity: Hecate

In magic, dandelions assist with divination, wishes, and calling spirits.


Dandelion can strengthen bones, stimulate production of insulin, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and boost liver and kidney function.


We do NOT make any claims that this item will guarantee any magical or medicinal benefits.

(Encyclopedia of Herbs by Scott Cunningham)

Organic Dandelion Root | Taraxacum officinale |Dried Herb | tea

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