This listing is for 1/2 Oz or 1 Oz of organic dried Coltsfoot leaf. Each bag is heat sealed and filled by weight NOT volume.

Other names: Ass's Foot, British Tobacco, Bull's Foot, Butterbur, Coughwort, Pas d'ane, Sponnc, Farfara, Foal's Foot

Gender: Feminine
Planetary Correspondence: Venus
Element: Water

In magic, Coltsfoot can be used in love sachets and spells for peace and tranquillity. Can cause visions when smoked. Induces courage and love.

It is said that Coltsfoot is a great herb to use for chronic coughs and it is an anti-inflammatory.


We do NOT make any claims that this item will guarantee any magical or medicinal benefits.

(Encyclopedia of Herbs by Scott Cunningham)

Organic Coltsfoot Leaf Herb | Dried Cut and Sifted

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